Monday, January 30, 2012

New Solutions (Q-Tips)

Something I am going to try out is coming up with new solutions with existing items. So here is my first go at it.

QTips always come in a huge box and let's be serious who wants to display THAT.  So I came up with a cute way to display them .... and be green if that is your thing.  You can also put the cap on and throw it in your carry-on (I know that's what I will be doing).

What you need:

  • Prescription bottle
  • Paint and paint brushes 
  • SO EASY 
 AND yes I know I need to take a photography class or ten!

After a couple coats of paint! It kind of looks like a fire hydrant with the lid on :)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Shipping in Style

I made a trip out to Des Moines a few weeks ago to visit an old friend.  I wanted to send her a special thank you for being an amazing host.  She just got a new apt and loves cupcakes.  So I got her a few coffee mugs and a cupcake cookbook.  But I wanted to do something a little extra so I went ahead and made her this personalized box to ship it in.

I started with a naked wood box from Michael's. I then painted the whole thing white.  I used painters tape to get the lines perfect and filled them in with navy glossy acrylic paint.  I then used a Martha Stewart stencil for the top and free handed the "J."

 I hope she enjoys using it as much as I did making it!

I added a little personalization (too bad that Ralph Lauren guy beat me to RL)!


So my new goal is going to be to post every Sunday.  Let's see how long that lasts!  This project is an old one that I never got around to posting b/c I was not crazy about the pictures I had for it, so bear with me. I am going to make a few more and will make sure to take better pictures!

Painted letters are great for so many things: baby's room, bridal showers, birthdays, decoration, etc.  Here are a few that I have done for my friends!

They are super easy and fun to make!

What you will need:
  • Blank letters (sold at Michael's)
  • Acrylic paint
  • Paintbrushes 
How to do it:
  • I recommend stenciling it out in pencil before you get started
  • Put on your base coat
  • Have fun with the rest!
  • If you want to hang it my recommendation would be to use put knots on both sides of a ribbon, put them in the slots in the back and then fill the extra room with hot glue

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Coasting Along

This was not my favorite project b/c it was a real pain but the outcome was pretty unique so I thought I would share it.
What you will need (similar to the beer tray project)
  • Epoxy Resin
  • Castin Craft 3x3 reusable resin mold
  • Mold release spray
  • Resin mixing cups
  • Adhesive felt or cork
  • Beer caps, pictures, etc

How to make it -
  • Step 1: Spray molds with mold release spray
  • Step 2: Pour in thin layer of expoxy resin and let set for about an hour
  • Step 3: Place beer caps or photos into mold (if you are using photos you should mod podge them first to make sure they don't bleed)
  • Step 4: Let the first layer dry 
  • Step 5: Pour in a second layer (I like to make the second layer a different color so I mix the resin with a few drops of Castin Craft dye)
  • Step 6: Let it dry for 12+ hours
  • Step 7: Pop the coasters out of the mold and you are almost done!
  • Last Step: Apply some adhesive cork to the bottom of the coasters
  • ENJOY!!

Sunday Funday (My Version)

While everyone was off watching football games today, I was continuing my painting marathon (and avoiding packing).  I tried to do these 2 pieces with Martha Steward stencils but quickly found out I don't have the proper tools to stencil properly so I had to do them freehand.

I am pretty happy with the way they turned out!  I am all out of things to paint so I guess it's time to do the things I have been neglecting all weekend.

Snowy Weekend in Chicago

The weather outside is frighful ... So I stayed in and painted the entire weekend!  I thought I would share some of my work.

What you will need.
  • Acrylic paint
  • Blank Canvas
  • Brushes
I would give step by step details but the pictures are pretty self explanatory.

 Painting #1 - Chevron LOVE

Painting #2 - Striped HOPE